# 👋 Hi there! Welcome to my digital space, where I think out loud and work in public, in adherence to this [working with the garage door open](https://notes.andymatuschak.org/About_these_notes?stackedNotes=zCMhncA1iSE74MKKYQS5PBZ) idea that I'm fond of. I'm **Miruna Suru**, **Em** for short. I'm a writer and an analyst. I like comedy, data and chatting from first principles. Have a look around then reach out, I'm happy to connect! I'm on [Github](https://github.com/emsuru) and [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/mirunasuru/) for work and (still) on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/em_suru), for the memes. ## Self-portrait with yellow earrings I'm a consistent temporary pattern A self-reflexive agent A piece of software, a power tool ![[4.png | right | 300 ]] Supporting this one single female primate Made up of multitudes of multitudes, Made up of dirt and drool. (Em Suru, 2024) --- ** Website status on _June 2024_: I'm currently in the process of setting this space up, migrating my working notes in here and populating the pages.